To accomplish the project objective of collaboratively developing clear conservation goals and strategies for action in the northeast region this proposal outlines three major components:
- A thorough review of species, habitats, threats, and actions identified in the 14 Wildlife Action Plans produced by the northeastern states and the District of Columbia
- When requested, provide assistance to state agencies in determining regional species and habitats of greatest conservation need, the threats impacting the region, and the actions that could be taken at the regional scales to limit the impact of the threats and support populations of species of greatest conservation need along with other critical aspects of ongoing reginal collaboration.
- A sustained effort to facilitate the collaboration of representatives of the northeastern states to address issues of common conservation concern over the three-year duration of this grant.
In general, the work will be accomplished jointly by the Northeast Fish and Wildlife Diversity Technical Committee NEFWDTC (reporting to NEAFWA) and TCI’s team with experience in SWAP preparation, northeast region conservation products, and northeast region conservation planning and coordination. In general, TCI will facilitate the work of the technical committee, provide the underlying research needed for their consideration and deliberation, and deliver reports documenting consensus. It will include general consideration and deliberation, and deliver reports documenting consensus. It will include general coordination that provides support for the RCN program (including continued coordination and outreach with such products as RCN fact sheets, committee reports and TRTL support).
"We are providing datasets as they become available for the use of NEAFWA and their conservation partners. Because some of these products continue to be reviewed, we may update the files at any time. Please email Elizabeth Crisfield ( or Karen Terwilliger ( to let us know that you are using the data or if you have any problems. Please use the following citation to reference the information:
Terwilliger Consulting, Inc., and Northeast Fish and Wildlife Diversity Technical Committee. 2016. Preliminary Review of Northeast Region State Wildlife Action Plans. Terwilliger Consulting, Inc. Locustville, VA. Date downloaded."
Progress Achieved: 4
th Qtr accomplishments:
- Planned, facilitated and reported minutes from Monthly NEFWDTC calls
- Participated in SWAP coordinator calls
- Produced preliminary results from SWAP database and presented to NEFWDTC and SWAP coordinators on calls, webexes and email correspondence for input and feedback
- Presented preliminary results PPT and report for Directors and RCN task force
- Coordinated the RCN proposal formatting and submittal for new proposals
- Worked with 5 taxa expert groups from states to coordinate the RSGCN list review
- Worked with NE Climate Science Center to develop a handout on updated references and projects for NEFWDTC and SWAP coordinators
- Worked with state reps to review key threats identified in SWAP roll up /database results to confirm and refine the findings and begin to develop priority actions/results chains for each
- Plan key threat discussion and review of preliminary SWAP roll up on each monthly call to get committee approval
- Presented the Climate change roll up results on NEFWDTC/SWAP coordinators call
- Presented the “ “ ‘ “ on the AFWA climate change call December 5th
- Presented the preliminary SWAP Roll up results to NE TWS in Hadley and the TWS in Raleigh NC on behalf of NEFWDTC.
- Responded to NECSC, NALCC, CBC, AFWA and other partner requests for NE state SWP data for NEFWDTC
Expected End Date: December 2017