The Northern Diamondback Terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin terrapin) in the NE United States: A regional conservation strategy

We propose the development of a regional, landscape level, multi-partner conservation strategy/plan that focuses on the conservation, management, and protection of the northern diamondback terrapin and its habitat in eight states of the Northeast/mid-Atlantic regions (Massachusetts to Virginia). The overarching goal of this proposal is a conservation strategy/plan that will help achieve long-term sustainability of the northern diamondback terrapin population in the Northeast and mid-Atlantic regions. Under RCN Topic 5 - Design and implement conservation strategies for the Northeast and mid-Atlantic Species of Greatest Conservation Need (NE SGCN) we will identify the species current and historical populations, habitat (known and unknown occupancy), threats, prioritize locations for regional and individual state management, data gaps, and review the regulatory status in each state. The conservation strategy will also include components from RCN Topic 7 - Identify and Assess Threats to NE SGCN as we will articulate threats regionally and for each individual state and also address major components of RCN Topics 3 (identifying data gaps). The final report will describe a strategic initiative for implementation of conservation actions across eight states within the Northeast and mid-Atlantic regions with recommendations specific to each state and region-wide and the identification of the most important sites for this species. The results of the proposed conservation strategy/plan could be used to solicit additional funding for implementation for more regionally significant sites for terrapins in the Northeast and mid-Atlantic regions in the future. Completion of this project will require two years (January 2014-December 2015).


The final project for this project has been submitted and approved and is provided below.

Progress Reports

Project Leader

Name: Stephanie Egger

Title: Wildlife Biologist

Organization: Conserve WIldlife Foundation of New Jersey, Inc.


Address: 501 East State Street, Building 5, 3rd Floor Trenton, NJ 08609

Phone: 215-350-6827

Fax: 609-628-2734