Hermit Thrush
Photo by: Robert Royse

Box Turtle
Photo by: Jonathan Mays

Snowshoe Hare
Photo by: Mike Hodgson

Timber Rattlesnake
Photo by: Kelly Wiley

Gray Seal
Photo by: Jonathan Mays

Establishment of a regional network of experimental adaptive management sites where coordinated management and monitoring will lead to management improvements over time (e.g. ensuring adequate representation of forbs, bare soil and other key pollinator habitat features; improving habitat for other RSGCN; lowering management costs and treatment frequency to the greatest extent practical); (2) improved coordination and sharing of early successional habitat management expertise among states; (3) standardized, regional vegetation and pollinator monitoring protocols that will enable more effective pooling of data and provide a framework for informed, science-based management decisions; (4) improved understanding of the abundance and distribution of select, vulnerable pollinator taxa (e.g. bees and butterflies), and how these species respond to habitat management over time; (5) improved on the ground management of at least 500 acres of habitat at regionally significant sites included in the new regional adaptive management network; (6) strengthened partnership between NEFWDTC and NEHTC. Although this project will produce many tangible benefits during the five year implementation period, the goal is to establish a framework for the longer-term monitoring and experimental adaptive management that is needed to improve management for these complex, fire-influenced systems.
GSA Number: GSA 00060
GSA Title: Green Ridge and Pocomoke
GSA Contractor: Maryland DNR
GSA Number: GSA 00061
GSA Title: Linda Loring
GSA Contractor: Linda Loring Nature Fund
GSA Number: GSA 00062
GSA Title: Kennebuck Plains
GSA Contractor: TNC Maine
GSA Number: GSA 00084
GSA Title: Sandbar WMA
GSA Contractor: Stone Environmental
GSA Number: GSA 00064
GSA Title: Head of the Plains
GSA Contractor: Nantucket Conservation Fund
GSA Number: GSA 00065
GSA Title: Katama Airpark
GSA Contractor: TNC Massachusetts
GSA Number: GSA 00066
GSA Title: Matianuch Natural Area Preserve
GSA Contractor: Conecticut DEEP
GSA Number: GSA 00067
GSA Title: Albany Pine Bush
GSA Contractor: Albany Pine Bush
GSA Number: GSA 00073
GSA Title: Concord Pine Barrens Site #3
GSA Contractor: NH Fish and Game
GSA Number: GSA 00060 Amendment 1
GSA Title: Green Ridge and Pokomoke
GSA Contractor: Maryland DNR
GSA Number: GSA 00061 Amendment 1
GSA Title: Linda Loring
GSA Contractor: Linda Loring Nature Foundation
GSA Number: GSA 00067 Amendment 1
GSA Title: Albany Pine Bush
GSA Contractor: ALbany Pine Bush
GSA Number: GSA 00076 Amendment 1
GSA Title: Pre and post burning veg surveys Nicholas and Pratt Farm
GSA Contractor: University of Rhode Island
GSA Number: GSA 00193
GSA Title: Pre-Treatment Veg Surveys Nicholas and Pratt Farm
GSA Contractor: Brian Maynard
© 2020 A Wildlife Management Institute Project